

gamers-right now ,other people are having sex                                       

geek porn -because who needs chicks? , really                                      

gunfights - who says you can't bluff in one                             

fatherhood- son , if you kill that hooker , you can get your moeny back

cycling - an excellent way to stay fit and enjoy local scenery

crossovers - some things only make sense when you're drunk

bitch- where's my cookie

dilemmas-angry or turned on ? you decied


                                  common sense - just beacuse you can, doesn't mean you should

                                    alcoholism - guaranteed to help you forget your other problems            
                                                          sieg fail
costume fail - you know you failed, but you don't care

                                                                swine flu - why risk it ?

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rotter.net רוטר.נט

מבזקי פרש

חדשות - nrg.co.il


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